Remove a customer from your loyalty program. Delete a program member. Unsubscribe a member from loyalty program
A few things to keep in mind before you delete a customer:
- A customer can unsubscribe from receiving emails / text messages, and still take part in your Loyalty Program. They will simply see their points and rewards when the visit in-store.
- When you delete a customer from Thirdshelf, their POS record remains in the POS.
- Deleting a customer from your POS is insufficient to remove them from Thirdshelf. Use these steps to delete them from Thirdshelf as well.
- This action cannot be undone. If the same customer re-joins your program at a later date, they will not have their old points or rewards -- they start fresh as a new member.
1. In your Thirdshelf console, navigate to the Members screen
2. Search for the customer using First Name or Last Name or email address
3. Check the checkbox next to their record
4. Click the Delete button
- This action cannot be undone.
- If the same customer re-joins your program at a later date, they will not have their old points or rewards -- they start fresh as a new member.
- This does not delete the customer from your POS