Create a double-points promotion; offer double-points (or more) on product categories or to certain customer groups. Turn off loyalty program. Pause loyalty program. Turn off thirdshelf rewards
Earning rules allows you to modify the default earning rule of 1 dollar = 1 point. They are a useful feature within Thirdshelf that can accomplish many things, from rewarding high-value customers, to stopping points earning all together. With this tool you can Add point multipliers, eligibility criteria and even exclude certain products or customer categories. Here are just a few ways you can use this tool:
Points multipliers: By default customers earn one point for every dollar spent. Using multipliers, you are able to increase the earning rate of their spending, either for point-in-time promotions or simply on product categories you want to encourage customers to buy.
Eligibility criteria: You have the possibility to add a 0 multiplier to products such as big ticket items or customer groups like employees so they do not generate or earn points respectively. This can also be a way to pause your loyalty program by creating a 0 point earning rule for all product categories and disabling informational emails.
Adding an Earning Rule in 6 easy steps.
1. Log into your Thirdshelf console and select "Loyalty Program" followed by “Earning Rules” in the lefthand menu
2. Click on “Add a Rule” in the top righthand corner
3. Now configure your rule with one of the following 3 Rule Types; customer, product or brand
- Customers: These are your customer groups as defined in your POS, they may range from employees to other specific groups like seniors or veterans.
- Product: These are the product categories as defined in your POS, you may select one or multiple categories or items within categories
- Brand: If you have your products classified by brand within your POS, Thirdshelf will detect this and allow you to create earning rules for specific brands. For example double points to introduce a new brand
4. Select your Eligible group(s). As mentioned above you may select multiple groups
Note for Springboard customers: You will need to submit a screenshot of the custom field for either ;Birthday month, customer group, brand or customer categories, to for us to map. No options will show until we have mapped to custom field
Note for Vend customers: Thirdshelf is mapped to your product tags, if you do not already do so you will need to tag your items by category
5. Identify your Points Multiplier (whole numbers only). ie 0 for employees, 4 for VIP, etc. Once you have completed this step hit save
6. You now have your own earning rules which are displayed as shown below
Earning rules may be modified at any time by clicking on the EDIT RULE button to the right.
Note: Earning rules will take effect immediately. If you are planning to have an earning rule for a specific time period, it is important to create it the day before once you have closed for the day. This ensures that no customers will benefit from your promotion early. On the final day of your determined promotional period, you will edit the rule and delete it to deactivate it. You may also want to take advantage of a custom campaign to announce your new earning rule. If you need help on how to do so click here.