High Value customers. First Time customers. Slipping Away customers. Dormant Customers. Active Members. Segmenting customers.
This brief article will give you an overview of Thirdshelf's powerful pre-made customer segments.
All active members
Customers who have joined your program and activated their account.
(By default, anyone who joins your program is active, unless you have changed that setting in the Sign-Up campaign.)
Indicated by a green disk in your Members listing:
First-time customers
Customer has joined your program, and has only made a single purchase since joining.
High-value customers
Among your program members, these are the customers who have spent the most. The threshold is dynamic and changes all the time, as Thirdshelf analyzes your customers' behavior and spending habits.
The High-value segment is determined by clustering. This cluster has the customers with the highest spend in your program.
Useful for creating targeted marketing campaigns that reward your best customers with your most exclusive products and services.
Slipping away
Customers that you are starting to lose! Slipping away is based on your Average Purchase Cycle.
A customer enters Slipping away when they have not shopped with you in twice the Average Purchase Cycle.
Customers that are very close to being lost. Dormant is based on your Average Purchase Cycle.
A customer enters Dormant when they have not shopped with you in four times the Average Purchase Cycle.